Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A New Beginning

Over the past few years, photography has changed the way we see the world. Although, the world as we see it, has changed because cameras are everywhere. The profession of photography still requires experience, training, and an eye. Not everyone can take a good picture no matter what equipment they have.
"A good photographer can take a good picture with any camera, but a bad photographer will still take bad photograph's even with the best equipment"

Professional photographers are continuously updating their skills, their knowledge and there is a cost involved with this. I want to introduce you to the world of professional photography, because as a professional photographer, not only do I believe in keeping my skills up to date, but extending my knowledge to the next photographer because having knowledge is of no value if you can't share it.

So to start off, if there is anything that I can pass on to the next up and coming Ansel Williams is to practice, to challenge yourself, and to go out and look at life from a view finder perspective.
So often we are told that you have to take a course in this and a course in that, and to understand the theory behind photography, I would agree. But there is more to photography than just theory, Photography is an art, a science and an opinion all wrapped up in one. As with anything you need the basics, so I would recommend at least reading your manual front to back and understand your camera.

I started out in my elementary school photography club. Later while I was in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, I had the opportunity to take Photographic Techniques with the Department of National Defense, which gave me experience in using various pieces of equipment that I would otherwise never have had the opportunity to use, including sheet film and rollback cameras but I also learned light and composition, and became a better photographer. Alas that was in the days of film, and now digital has opened the doors to do a lot more in a shorter amount of time, but the basics still apply. I would recommend Ken Rockwell for online learning his resources are well respected and I refer to them all the time. You can also google for many topics that I will cover as well to get more information.

Over the next few posts I will be providing insight for both photographer and the customer on various topics from what to look for when trying to find a photographer, new equipment that is out there, Customer service, software reviews and everything in between. I will also be introducing you to my photography as well.

The picture in this post was taken in Edmonton Alberta Canada On January 9, 2012 Equipment: canon 7D using a sigma 150-500 lens - at 500mm iso 800 f/11 at 1/500 of a second.

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